As Galway 2020 European Capital of Culture year officially started last 8th February, we would like to share a short 8mm cine film, that we shot last September during the Galway 2020 Programme Launch ceremony in Eyre Square.
It was a pity to see the February opening ceremony cancelled due to adverse weather, but the film below will remind you are amazing Galway can be when the sun shines…

As you may be aware, myself and Emilija (the talent EMJ_Camera, whose Sheep photograph is the Galway2020 Programme) are set to organize another edition of the Super8 Shots Film Festival in 2020. While plans are still under wraps, we promise to update you very soon on what we have in store for this epic year.

In the meantime, have a look at this short movie shot on Kodak Ektachrome 100D Super8 Film. It shows Galway in its glory and the wonderful performances by French Acrobatic Compagnie Gratte Ciel & local composer Anna Mullarkey.
FilmStock was provided by our sponsor Super8 Ireland, 8mm film specialist, who kindly supplied the cine camera, filmstock, processed and digitized the reels of film. They/we are based on Cross Street in the heart of Galway City, so come and say hello.

Digitally Restored Version of the Film shot by Super8 Ireland for the Galway 2020 Programme Launch last September

Note, the music in this edit is from the French electronic artist Zimmer, who kindly allowed his track Wildflowers to be grace this film.

We certainly hope that the actual Start of Galway2020 event on 8th February in South Park (Claddagh, Galway) will be blessed with the same phenomenal weather we had in September. That being said, even if it lashes down, we know it will kick arse anyway and a great event to attend, so make sure you come in early.

More information on the actual 2020 launch date/location and logistics available here.

Photo by_EMJ Camera, who is also involved in Super8 Shots Film Festival

Photo by_EMJ Camera, who is also involved in Super8 Shots Film Festival